Phacility is Winding Down Operations
Phacility is winding down operations.
Now generating default profile images
Phabricator is about to get more colorful. Now at HEAD of master, Phabricator will generate a new, unique, profile image for users that have never set a custom profile image. Given the isolated nature of the majority of installs, we're not using a custom globally unique identifier, but instead have created a helpful custom image based on the first letter of your username. We feel this allows better profile image -> username recognition and feels more personal than standard algorithm based images other services use. But don't worry, if you really like the builtins Phabricator already ships with, you can still change your profile image any time to one of the built-in images.
The New Home Menu
A Cleaner Home Menu
We're now beginning to roll out the new, cleaner, and customizable Home Menu on Phabricator. These changes are live now on master and should roll out to stable in the next release. The intention with this new menu is to let you and your users best decide how you want to use Phabricator. We ship many different applications and many people who adopt Phabricator use these many different ways. What's efficient for you is what we are striving to meet the needs of here.
Autocomplete now with Emoji
We've added support for autocompleting native Emoji (Unicode 8) inside any Remarkup text area in Phabricator. We've also fixed a few issues with Emoji rendering in Windows 10, now enabling full color inline Emojis. If you use Chrome on Linux, you can add extensions to help enable full color emoji or enjoy the simpler life with the standard line art your OS already ships. Adding Emoji color commentary to your code reviews and tasks has never been easier. The autocomplete typeahead will appear with any : + letter key combination and help you quickly add emotion to your comments. We'll insert the raw unicode with no special markup.
Extending the Menubar
Welcome to Favorites
We've taken some time to rework the main header in Phabricator over the past few weeks, mostly based on feedback over the years as well as wanting to explore a more customizable path for users and admins alike. These changes have be rolling out over the past month or two and are now mostly complete and in place. Let's go over some of the new things you'll notice.
Revamping the Lightbox
A Brighter Lightbox
We’ve made some recent changes to how lightboxes work in Phabricator. Lightboxes are triggered anytime you click on an attached image in Phabricator. It displays the image, along with any others it found on the current page, and lets you cycle through them all. There wasn’t much interactivity or collaboration available. They also only worked with images and didn’t give you access to the underlying file. We’re working on changing that with some new features to this common function in Phabricator. We like to think about Phabricator as a complete platform, so features like lightbox that work everywhere, in any application, are a great way to improve a single feature and impact every user.
Pricing Changes: Costs Now Stop Increasing at 50 Users
We're making a pricing change which affects larger instances: monthly bills are now capped at $1,000.
Hosted Phabricator: Now in Open Beta
We now offer hosted Phabricator instances on Phacility. These instances come equipped with the various amenities and conveniences you might expect, except that we have written very smart robots to configure and maintain them for you.
Musings of Phacility, makers of Phabricator.